Cellular Memory Outside of the Brain

Trauma and memories can be stored as energy in the body through cellular memory, and can lead to physical symptoms such as chronic pain, headaches, and gastrointestinal issues. Childhood trauma can also lead to mental health disorders such as lifelong anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Reiki removes this stagnant energy that can block the flow through our energy centers, called chakras. During a session, it is common for those old traumatic memories to surface and be released, restoring the body back to its natural state. In turn, feelings associated with those memories no longer are needed, lifting our mood and relieving depression.

Cellular memory is a widely-known theory that memories can be stored outside the brain, in ALL cells. It is a chemical modification of DNA called myelation. 

Cellular memory can be seen in immune cells, which respond quickly to pathogens they've encountered before. For example, skin cells respond more quickly and strongly to a second stimulus after being exposed to an inflammatory stimulus. 

Cellular memory can also be seen in adult cells, such as blood or skin cells. This memory records how the cell changes as it develops from an embryonic cell into an adult cell. 
Some people who have received organ transplants believe that non-brain tissues can have memories. For example, a woman who was afraid of heights had received the lungs of a mountain climber! Read the article in Science direct for more information at 